Advance billing anti-fraud system – in collaboration with CBI Globe

In the banking sector, Acrm net has developed for CBI Globe, an engine for recognising invoices brought to discount by companies for all financial institutions. This platform, which includes inferential logic (AI), is able to alert financial institutions, the Internal Revenue Service and the Bank of Italy to risky situations in real time. The system […]

Shipyards: Netter

The solution conceived for Netter has improved and optimized the company’s operational management and contributed to consolidating the relationship of trust of Netter customers. aCrm net has created the CRM based on the needs of the Netter company by providing an associated app for shipyard workers and an app for Netter customers. 3 Entities interconnected […]

Tax Credit management

The introduction of tax credit assignment has given rise to several new mechanisms for managing the tax opportunity. Acrm net created for Harley & Dikkinson, a company operating in the fintech sector, a third-party platform for the management of the tax credit in compliance with the regulations in force, for the realisation of integrated offers […]

AI – Web Scraping

Web scraping is a particular crawling technique. A crawler – also called a bot or spider – is a piece of software that has the purpose of collecting all the information necessary to automatically index the pages of a site, analyze hyperlinks and find associations between search terms and classify them. Web scraping is used […]

What is spoofing

Face Anti Spoofing In the recent times as biometric recognition systems increase their performance, IT Managers have to take in great consideration possible direct attack; potential intruders may gain access to the IT system by directly interacting with the system input device, like a normal user would. Such attempts are referred as spoofing attacks. Our […]

Security Vulnerabilities of a biometric system

Biometrics and Cryptography : The biometric Password   Biometrics provide a person with unique characteristics which are always there.  Can they be used as a cryptographic key?   First of all we can define  Conventional cryptography a methodology based on encryption keys, which are just bit strings long enough, usually 128 bit or more.  These […]


Health and social security funds