Please follow the steps below
to download, configure and use our demo app for Android and iOS.
On your Android smartphone, download the APK file (which is an Android app installation file) from this link.
Caution! Some browsers such as Chrome may block one-click downloads. In this case, click on the link for a few seconds, then select the download link option in the pop-up menu that will appear.
Run the installer. You can usually find it in the browser downloads or in your App File Manager, in the APK section. Please note that you will need to grant permissions to run APKs on the app you are using.
Caution! If you already have a My-ID version installed, remove it first. Please note that your app data will be lost.
On your iPhone, open the link and follow these steps:
Install the Test Flight app from the Apple Store. My-ID is distributed on this platform to give free access to a demo.
Install My-ID version 1.0.11 from Test Flight.
Caution! If you already have a My-ID version installed, please note that your app data may be lost.
This process only needs to be performed once. Open the MY-ID app and enter your phone’s serial number, SMS code and e-mail code.
TIP. How to find your serial number easily:
Android: go to your settings and search for your serial number.
iOS: go to Settings> General Settings.
Enroll (Biometric Identity Creation)
This process only needs to be performed once. It will create your biometric identity and store it securely in your device.
In the bottom menu, click Enroll and then the Enroll button again to start the process.
Face Enroll: the process starts with the registration of your face. Here you basically have to be as centred as possible and click the camera to take the selfie
Voice Enroll: you will be asked for three random phrases out of all the possible ones. You will see the first one on the screen. Click on the small microphone icon to start recording your voice. Recording will stop automatically after a few seconds. Click on the microphone icon again to view and record the second sentence. The same for the third.
If everything is correct, the biometric template will be created and you will be asked to perform the first verification.
This process must be performed each time authentication is required and verifies that the owner of the device (the person who performed the ENROLL) is in possession of the device. After your identity has been validated, you have a few minutes to authenticate yourself on a platform, e.g. by scanning a QR code.
TIP! The verification process can be performed as many times as you wish to check that your biometric information is stored correctly.
Click on Verify but ‘beware’, verification starts immediately. You must place the phone in front of you and be ready to say one of the phrases used during the registration process. The verification process stops automatically after a few seconds.
If the verification is correct, you will see a message with your name. Verification expires after a few minutes (normally 15). During the verification time, you can use MY-ID for authentication. When the verification expires, you will need to re-verify to use MY-ID for authentication.
Authenticate yourself using MY-ID Once you have completed the MY-ID user registration and MY-ID configuration, enter your email in the form below and click on the GET QR CODE button A unique QR code for your user will appear on the screen. Scanning the QR code is one of the possible ways to use MY-ID for authentication. REMEMBER! You need to verify your identity in order to scan the QR Code. Scan the QR Code. If all goes well, you will be redirected to an internal demo page. You only have a few seconds to scan the code from the moment it appears on the screen (normally 45 seconds). If it expires, you will have to request the QR code again.
Case 1: stolen phone
You give your phone to someone else so that this person tries to VERIFY your identity in My-ID. The verification process will fail and this person will not be able to scan the QR code.
Case 2: Attempt to log into another account
On the login page, enter the email of another user, e.g., and click on the Get QR Code button. Check yourself correctly and then try to scan the QR code returned for that email. Scanning the QR code will not block your access as another person.
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