Advance billing anti-fraud system – in collaboration with CBI Globe

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In the banking sector, Acrm net has developed for CBI Globe, an engine for recognising invoices brought to discount by companies for all financial institutions. This platform, which includes inferential logic (AI), is able to alert financial institutions, the Internal Revenue Service and the Bank of Italy to risky situations in real time. The system is currently being tested under the supervision of the Bank of Italy and ADE.

The main feature of the centralised database, is to guarantee, to the adhering sector operators, a ‘shield’ against fraud that can be perpetrated by requesting credit advances, using the same security at the same time with several IdCs.
The idea is that of a shared container among the IdCs, in which requests for advance payments on issued invoices converge. Through appropriately designed procedural constraints, the user using the system is always informed of the status of the invoice he is interested in, with respect to the advance request by the creditor.